
The COURSES are designed for massage therapists, physical therapists, or any individual immersed in the healing industry. For massage therapists who would like to learn a deep-tissue protocol that uses little to no oil, or effort, and only employs your hands. M.I.R. Touch Technique can be applied seated or standing, the choice is yours. This approach is incredibly deep, tissue work, that reaches clear to the bone --similar I have been told to Rolfing, with little to no discomfort, or pain to a client, or exhaustion to you, the therapist. This approach is unlike anything currently in the healing arts that will have your clients healing, as opposed to staying stuck in pain. If you have been wondering why your clients keep returning with the same complaints, or if you feel exhausted at the end of your day, this method is for you. There will be a series of courses required to become fluent in M.I.R. Touch Technique© (Manual Inflammation Release), as well as accepted case studies, to incorporate M.I.R. certification.
If you desire more information please CONTACT US.